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Sport event

Get to know canoeing COURSE -Cancelled.


Place Kallan Melojat (Savisaari 61, 70210 Kuopio)
Date and time 14.9.2015 at 16:30 - 21:00
Type Course
More information Cancelled because of lack of people joining the course.

WHAT: Get to know canoeing
WHEN: Mon 14.9., Tue 15.9., Wed 16.9. between 16.30 and 21.00
WHERE : In Sports club Kallan Melojat ry’s canoeing place in Savisaari
GROUP SIZE: Min. 8 persons, max. 15 persons
COURSE FEE: 45e (you need to have SYKETTÄ sticker)

This canoeing course for beginners includes package with 3 times 4,5 hours instruction for getting to know canoeing. In the begin we get to know some theory and what kind of club is “Kallan Melojat ry”. Soon we get to practise in the lake and learn how to move forward and backward, sideways and how to put on the brake. We practice capsizing (falling) in safety environment.

You need with you clothes that can go wet and also clothes to change after the falling exercise. You can’t have any shoelace outside the shoe. If you wear glasses, please make sure you have a holder to keep them in your head.

Notice this new instruction for SYKETTÄ sports courses:

1.You must pay for the course fee 5 days before the course begins. The list of people who has paid for the course will be delivered to the course keeper.

2.You can only get the course fee back if you are sick and you have a certificate from a doctor. Then you can get the money back from those course hours that you haven’t been in.

3. The course enrolling ends 7 days before the course begins. You can cancel the enrolling 7 days before the course begins, but after that the enrolling is binding and the person is obliged to pay for the course fee.


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 144 hours before the event.